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You want to build wealth for yourself and your family.


You want FREEDOM - of choices, of location, of lifestyle.

You know that more millionaires have been made investing in real estate than any other asset class, but you don't even know where to start. Plus, there's so much information out there, it quickly gets overwhelming.

The Launchpad is a solution to overcoming the fear and anxiety associated with stepping into new territory.  It's a compilation of resources to point you in the right direction and provide a strong foundation for launching you on your journey to becoming a multifamily investor. 


Remember... Your biggest breakthrough is on the other side of your comfort zone.


It can be hard to get started investing in real estate. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you, so you can focus on living your best life. A lot of people don't know that you can invest in real estate passively,
without the headaches.
Actually, passive investing is the easiest way to build wealth over time
without disrupting your day-to-day life.
BUT you still need to put in a little effort upfront to make sure you invest wisely. 
It doesn't have to be complicated... just take one step at a time, starting with
The Launchpad!
"Everything is very organized, you have great colors and the links to your Launchpad are extremely helpful, I found myself wanting to click more and more."

-Ruben Kanya, Invested Talent



Key Definitions and Terms


How to Determine Your Accreditation Status


How to Expand Your Investor Network - so you increase your access to investment opportunities 


Educational Resources - multifamily learning video series, book recommendations, how to determine a good deal, and much more!


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